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Biosecurity on the farm

Biosecurity on the farm is a series of management practices designed to minimize or prevent the importation of infectious agents onto a farm.


One of the most important steps a farm can take in providing a healthy environment for their livestock is to have a biosecurity plan in action.

  1. Do a Risk Assessment: identify potential concerns and who or what comes to your farm.  Evaluate how diseases could enter your farm.

  2. Risk Management: Implement a biosecurity plan based on your risk assessment findings.

  3. Biosecurity Options:

Isolation: isolate incoming stock to provide a safeguard against disease transmission

Location: locate pigs as least 2 miles from other swine to minimize risk of aerosol pathogen infection

Field Rotation:  rotate fields giving time for regrowth and reduction of the pathogens in that area. 

Pest/Wildlife Control: make farm less desirable to creatures by controlling vegetation, cleaning up spilled feed, discarding debri and carcass removal

Limit Access to Farm: gates, signage, 'do not feed' signs on gates

Feed: cover feed bins and prevent access

Adding biosecurity mats and hand washing stations:  require farm hands and farm visitors to disinfect their feet and hands prior to entry and upon leaving the farm


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